Heather Easdown

I make macramé wall décor and jewellery, using natural products, mainly cotton, jute and hemp, with embellishments from wood, glass, clay or metal. I prefer bush sticks rather than the typical beach driftwood and I love working with jute, but it is not very forgiving to my changeable mind and gives me hay fever, so I tend to use cotton more.

I started out making jewellery using mainly hemp. As I ventured more into larger decorator pieces, I incorporated cotton and jute. It really depends on what I am making and the look I am trying to achieve. I’m not really sure what it’s called, but my favourite ‘style’ is what I call branching and it just flows.

My journey started through needing therapy for depression. My transition from jewellery to larger decorator pieces was mainly in response to developing RSI. Now I just love making pieces others will love. As I learnt macramé in primary school and then didn’t really touch it until in my 40s I found this an ideal way to help deal with my feelings. These days I learn new techniques from watching online tutorials or through trial and error.

My inspiration mainly comes from what I see around me, or on social media posts. I think modern macramé artists inspire me more than anyone. The level of intricacy and creativity in their work is incredible. It has really given me confidence to pursue the more unique, branching style of macramé that I have a passion for. An idea will spark from something I’ve seen, and I think about how I can make something unique to me. Once I know what I want to make, I choose a piece of wood, sand and clean it, then cut suitable cord lengths, which is then attached to the piece of wood so I can begin knotting.

My ultimate favourite piece would have to be a mother and baby owl that I made in 2021. I loved the rustic wood I used and the overall look of the piece but I often have a deep desire to stop making all the popular things that sell well and only make pieces that I am passionate about. My art has changed mainly in size as I have gained confidence and enjoyed using larger pieces of wood to create with. I’m looking forward to challenges to follow my passion rather than making what is easy. However when I’m not creating, I love gardening, bush walking and collecting owls.

The upcoming exhibition at Yarragon is the first time I have displayed my art, apart from selling in a couple of gift shops and having a stall at the Arts Alliance Warragul Arts Market.