Arts & Textile De-StashadminbbaaSaturday, March 22nd, 2025 10:00:00Special When 22/03/2025 10:00 - 14:00 Add To Calendar Download ICS Google Calendar iCalendar Office 365 Outlook Live Where VRI Hall - VRI Art Space 128 Queen St, Warragul Event Type Special Loading Map.... VRI Hall – VRI Art Space128 Queen St - WarragulEvents -38.164787 145.934504 Table booking form. Arts De-Stash 2025 - Select -Arts & Textile De-StashArts & Textile De-Stash Fee Schedule$25 per Entry for members $30 for Non Members Tables are available (1800 mm x 75 mm) at a cost of $5FirstLastTown/Post CodeTelephone (Landline or Mobile)EmailChoose Entry Fee Bbaa Member Non-MemberPurchase Table Trestle TableNo payment items has been selected yet I have read and agree to the following Market rules: You must have public liability of no less than $10 million. (You can get one day cover from and – these are suggestions only). The hall will be open for setup 2 hours before opening time. You must be there for the full advertised opening times. This is a de-stash market of your own no longer needed art and craft supplies. This is not an opportunity to sell new supplies or finished work. You can bring your own standard trestle table or you can hire one from us. PreviousContinue to PaymentPayment Method Pay with PayPal Payment at Bank or GalleryPay at the GalleryTo pay by Cash at the Galleries. Go to the Yarragon or Trafalgar Gallery asking to for an Exhibition Entry. Please quote the Exhibition and your Surname.Pay at the BankTo pay by Direct Deposit (at the Bank) BSB 633-108 Acc#126093996 Bendigo Bank To pay by On-Line Deposit (on the internet) BSB 633-000 Acc#126093996 Bendigo Bank Please use EXH(entry#) followed by "your name" as a reference You can open another "Tab" now on you browser while you make your bank payment or you can Save your form details and Resume later by checking the box belowPaid at: Station Gallery - Yarragon Art Space - TrafalgarDate payment made at a Bank or Gallery Previous Confirm Payment